Check out Steph's new book
How Not to Cry:
A Guide to Emotional Freedom for Sensitive People
In this book, Steph teaches a tool that everyone should have to navigate the emotions of life: Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as tapping. EFT helps us move through our emotions (and tears) in a safe way so that we are not constantly fighting them beneath the surface of daily life.
What Readers are saying...
This is a wonderful book about the benefits of Emotional Freedom Techniques. Thank you Steph for helping us to see sensitivity as a strength, rather than a weakness.
This is an incredible book, and I want to purchase it for all of my clients! I love the brilliant and funny stories. I read it in two sittings!
Steph effortlessly describes the energetics of tapping in a way that anyone can understand. She guides you on how to tap through difficult issues and how to do your own tapping for self-care.
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