Affirmation Based EFT Tapping
Posted On 9 November 2020 | Posted By Steph
Are you one to use affirmations?
I ask because I know a lot of folks who have been working with affirmations for many years, and they are left feeling a bit disappointed.
Well I want to tell you about a little affirmation EFT trick. The thing is, for most people, what they are really affirming is the "Tail-ender" of the affirmation. What comes on the tail-end of the affirmation.
If your affirmation is "I Love my Happy & Healthy body" what you are really affirming is whatever comes after that statement. The big BUT on the end.
For example; "I Love my Happy & Healthy body!".... but I have gained 5 lbs without the gym being open, and my hair is kind of a mess today, and my knee hurts, gosh why am I always having injuries, I sure wish I looked liked I did 3 summers ago..... and so on.
An affirmation works powerfully when we really believe it, so what can we do with the pesky tail-enders? We can tap them away using EFT.
So if you have a really important affirmation you would really like to stick, try this exercise:
Draw a line down the middle of the page
On the left side write your beautiful affirmation!
Take a moment to check in and look at what might be there that is keeping you from fully deeply knowing this affirmation is true. Write it all down on the page in the other column. Just go for it, now is not the time to be polite/politically correct/positive, just let it flow. With EFT tapping, we are working with the subconscious mind, so no need to be logical here.
This is your EFT tapping script! For example: Even though I have gained 5 pounds since the gym has been closed, I still deeply love and completely accept myself. Just read what you wrote down on the page out loud as you tap through the points.
How do you practice affirmations?
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