EFT Tapping in your daily Self-Care or Wellness Practice
Posted On 17 November 2020 | Posted By Steph
EFT can be an excellent vehicle for self-care because you can use it for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. It is easy to incorporate (if you know how to guide yourself) because you can do a short and simple practice in just minutes a day.
My question for you: Do you have a daily self-care or wellness practice right now?
Examples of this can be; meditating for 5 minutes a day, keeping a daily gratitude journal, drinking a big glass of lemon water first thing in the morning, or even dancing in the living room for 3 minutes a day.
For this article, I am using “Daily Wellness Practice” as something you do every day, just for you. A practice that grounds you, has you come back to your centre, and creates consistency for your inner world, no matter what is swirling about in your outer world. Ideally it would not be more than 20-30 minutes a day, to keep it doable and non-negotiable.
When I first began with EFT (About 5 years ago now), I wasn't sure if it was a one-time thing (I did some tapping and now I am better) or a daily practice (I need to do this every day) kind of thing. I just knew I felt better and wanted some more of that goodness. The truth is, it can be either OR both.
Before Covid times, having a private session once a week for my own personal growth started to up-level my life in more ways than I could imagine. This seemed to happen before my eyes; improvements with finances, self-love, productivity, improving relationships, clarity, etc. (This is a part of why it has become my mission to share this EFT education with you.) And after the stress of the global pandemic, I started tapping every day and this is now what I encourage my clients and students to do as well.
Can I follow along with someone else if I am not sure how to do it for myself?
YES! I started tapping along with Brad Yates every day for 2 years before I ever jumped in to learn this valuable tool for myself and signed up for EFT Level 1 & 2. EFT works the best the more specific you get, so if you are tapping along with someone on YouTube, try to find the most specific video to match your needs as you can.
Start by asking yourself: How am I feeling today? If I could let go of this (Anger, Sadness, Anxiety, Physical Body pain, etc) how would my day and life improve? Then find your specific video and get tapping. Feel free to add in your own words and get even more specific to how you are feeling in the moment. And if you are having any guilt around fully committing to self-care and setting healthy boundaries for your self-care, tap along with me in this video.
The important thing to remember that YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT. I mean seriously, we can not pour from an empty cup right? You are worth this time. Your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health in worth investing in.
Please share in the comments below what your daily practice is if you have one, and is EFT tapping a part of it?
Love, Steph
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