Getting a Better Nights Sleep with EFT
Posted On 2 November 2020 | Posted By Steph
Everyone has had trouble falling asleep from time to time. Many people however, struggle with this night after night, after night. It is almost as if an internal alarm goes off at 9:30pm saying “Hey it's time to worry about everything that is out of your control at this very moment when it is time to sleep”
EFT tapping may be an excellent help for both types of people: the occasional tosser/turner, and even for those who lie awake for hours on end thinking of “worst case scenarios” In this article I will go over some general reminders of peaceful-sleeping tools, and also how EFT can help if those trusty tips don’t work.
Avoid gazing at screens before bed time
Reduce or eliminate caffeine later in the day
Avoid alcohol which can negatively affect our sleep and hormones
Have an early dinner and try to drink most of your water intake early in the day
Create a night time practice to help you wind down at night. Perhaps taking a warm shower, putting on your comfy pajamas, create your room to be a peaceful-sleep-haven. (No pile of work staring you in the face that is waiting for you in the morning)
Practice deep breathing once you lay down in the comfy bed you have created. for 2…. Exhale..1...2...3..4….hold the air out for 2… and repeat.
Diffuse Lavender essential oil in your sleep space if you find this scent to be pleasant.
These things did not work? Okay, keep reading:
Tap along with me in this EFT video, especially if your cause of sleep-absence is overthinking, worrying, or thinking of all you have to do the minute you lay down.
If you are still thinking about a specific problem or issue, take out a notebook and write it all down. This is your new tapping script. Tap through the points and read your tapping script out loud, this will help you get more specific with what you need to let go before finding peaceful slumber.
Do you happen to be sleeping next to someone who may not appreciate your jabbering and tapping out your worries while they are trying to peacefully sleep?
Practice the Touch and Breathe method. To do this, gently touch each EFT spot in turn, and each time, take a long easy breath without forcing. Following this breath, say quietly or THINK OUT LOUD your EFT prompt phrases. I call this the incognito method.
What do I do if I have a broken arm or it is just really uncomfortable for me to tap (for any given reason)? Visualize each EFT spot as you say quietly or think your set-up statement and reminder phrases. Numerous people find that they can do this very efficiently, and it's just as powerful for them as physically tapping.
IMPORTANT: An important factor to keep in mind when forming an EFT phrase to support getting to sleep, is not to inform yourself directly to go to sleep. For many individuals, an EFT statement that directs them to go to sleep simply produces resistance. We tend to resent being told what to do – even by ourselves! As a consequence, if we do this, we may find ourselves more alert than ever because we've been "told" that we must get to sleep. An EFT phrase I find remarkably useful in such situations is:
"Even though I'm having difficulty getting to sleep, I choose to feel pleasantly slumberous.”
“Even though I have so much resistance to falling asleep, I am just going to let myself feel this resistance…. And let myself get really sleepy anyway.
If you are fretting about some current situation or attempting to find a solution for it. If you MUST resolve this problem or stress about it NOW.
"I choose to let my subconscious find a solution peacefully while I am sleeping."
The reality is that your subconscious is often much better equipped to resolve your problem. Definitely more so than a restless "you" could ever possibly be. We all know that many famous discoveries have befallen their originators throughout sleep. Sleep is an excellent problem-solving time.
Another cause for extended wakefulness is that you begin to worry about whether you will get sufficient sleep! This is a self-defeating exercise which can often be offset by the following EFT phrase:
"Even though I'm afraid that I won't get sufficient sleep, I choose to feel so carefree and serene that it won't make any difference."
By saying this, you are taking the stress off of yourself to "fall asleep," and consequently, you will plausibly not create as much opposition to the onset of sleep. The truth is that if you permit yourself to rest in bed deeply relaxed, it's going to do you so much good that you don't have to fret about whether you're getting ample sleep!
Another familiar phenomenon is a nervous state where you can't seem to get comfy no matter what position you lie in. A great EFT phrase for this is...
"Even though I can't get comfy and can’t stop tossing and turning, I choose to appreciate the movement and trust the next position will be just right for me to relax deeply and peacefully.”
Notice that in all these EFT statements, you're taking away your own DEMAND that you need to go to sleep. You're using a reframe, which switches the need to move and stretch into a comfortable rhythmical activity, which will be helpful and may well ultimately lead to falling asleep.
The necessity to make an important choice is a common cause of sleeplessness. If you find yourself in this position, a very useful EFT phrase is the following:
"Even though I feel I NEED to make a decision right now, I choose to put all determinations on hold until the morning, and come to a calm, peaceful and pleasant dream state.”
Here you're directing yourself to put what seems so important, on hold.
These are just a few of the valuable EFT statements that can be used to help bring on restful sleep. I suggest you be imaginative when creating your own statements, making sure that they suit your own circumstances. You'll find that it can be exceptionally powerful to use EFT when you're restless, stressed, anxious at night.
Are you ready to try some of these tools? Need some extra support for sleep? Schedule a session with Steph to get to the root of the problem.
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